Ok your halfway through the WOD, your legs are Jello, your Heart is beating out of your chest, sweat is stinging your eye's, you arms are spent. So what keeps you going?
Its all Mental, ok more like 50% mental. Its the ability to tell your brain to just shut up and keep moving. Now Mr brain, will not like this at first and he will try to get you to stop, he will tell you you are weak, he will convince you that its not necessary to work this hard. Mr brain will tell body parts to feel tired or get sore to slow you down. Well tell Mr Brain to go f*** himself. You got to fight him at every step. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we will ever know.
You hear about it all the time, a 100 pound lady all jacked up on adrenaline lifts a car off her son, a man fights off a cougar, 5 fireman lift and move a big ol truck to save someone who is pinned. We can do so much more that we ever dreamed. We just need to first convince Mr brain of that. How do we do this, first, like with any battle we need to realize it, we need to recognize that the battle exists. then we fight back. When you feel that doubt and despair starting to creep in, use whatever tool you have to tell Mr Brain to shut up and keep moving. Sometimes thats all it takes, to just keep moving. When im going through an extremely strenuous 20 minute WOD where I have almost no oxygen in my lungs thats my inner chant, " Keep Moving " just keep moving, if its box jumps, just keep jumping, if its pullups, just keep pulling. Its the ability to conquer your mind as well as your body that will separate the good, and the great athletes.
Me personally I sometimes can get so pissed at that inner voice that I let that Rage drive me, other times I find an Inner calm int he middle of a grueling workout, its like a wave of peace comes over me and I forget how tired I am forget the pain, and I just keep going.
Learning to break through that barrier, and telling Mr brain that you are in control is what will make you better stronger and faster, it will also make you more confident in life as well as the gym.
So How do you tell Mr brain to go shove it?