Friday, April 30, 2010

Bills Insanity


CFCM workout of the Day
BILL's Insane

--do each exercise for 1 minute with 2 minutes rest at the end of each round keep a continuous count for the full round, dont count jumping jacks or bridge, if you have to stop on those you loose 25 points----
Rd1-Situps, Suat, pushups, thrusters 95/65
Rd2-Up Down, Mt Climber, Jump Jaks, Thrusters 95/65
Rd3-Burpees, Super Crunch, Bridge, Thrusters 95/65
Rd4-Squat Cleans for the full 4 minutes 95/65

Mike- 127, 75, 55, 35, total---292-RX
Trcy- 97 , 91, 47, 22, total---257-RX..way to stick with the pushups
Lori- 101, 84, 48, 44, total---279-MD
Bill- 108, 92, 51, 30, total---281-RX

Wednesday, April 28, 2010



First. Zone update, doing well, only minor " Cheats here and there but nothing above 2 carb blocks at a time " added a greek yogurt for desert to curve hunger. It helps me to not be starving when I wake up.
As far as performance too early to tell.


3 power cleans, 6 push-ups, 9 air squats....3minutes as many rounds as poss ( AMRAP ) 5 rounds

Mike-135lb-5.1, 5.1, 5, 5, 5.2--total 26.1
Sheila-90lb-3.2, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 3--total 16.2
Sue-65lb-3.2, 3.2, 3.1, 3.1, 3.2--total 17.2
Lori-65lb-3.27,4, 3.27, 3.27, 3.2--total 18.2

Lynn also joined us doing a modified workout. great to see you again, keep up the good work

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mondays CFCM WOD


First thing first.
This is the start of my three week super clean Zone. no Cheat days. Start Weight 225
doing 19-20 blocks little less carbs and little more protein. Ill post daily updates here to see how nutrition affects work capacity. Stay Tuned.

CFCM Monday morning WOD
AS Many Rounds As Possible in however many minutes.
6minutes----Driveway run ( Each lap is 10 points )
1min rest
5minutes----Squat and box jump
4minutes---- one arm DB snatch 40/25
1min rest
1minute rest
1minute rest


Sheila-40,52,56,49,81,14 ( 292 total)
Mike-40,81,90,85,57,20 (373 total )
Bill-40,68,75,41,70,19 ( 314 total )

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why I Crossfit


So i can punch a shark right in the face

Friday CFCM workout
four rounds: Med ball cleans, Hang Clean 95/65, SitUp Spider PushUps,
Rd1 21, 10, 3: Rd2 15, 10, 9: Rd3 9, 10, 15: Rd4 3, 10, 21

BRUTAL shark punching power builder

Mike- 8:34 rx
Tracy-9:59 Rx
Sue-13:23 rx
Lori-9:52 md
Lynn- Joining the 6am class for the first time, powered through a modified workout, that looked hellish, involving stair climbs and dumbbell presses, but Lynn a Retired Marine stuck with it, way to go..kick ass, I mean PUNCH A SHARK..


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lift, Run, Eat, Crossfit, Get Strong


DONT be like this guy

WED Morning CFCM class
Mickeys Evil Deck of Cards
Burpees, Pushups, SuperCrunch, KettleBell squat. Jokers were 8 stairclimbs

Times 6am
Mike-25:20 rx
Shiela-25:52 rx
sue-27:35 rx?
Karen-29:44 Mens RX

So remember get stronger and faster,because when the zombies come you need to outrun them, or be strong enough to fight....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Get your Liftin On


This morning workout CFCM
5sets of 5 rep Back-squat. Work your way up to your max for 5 reps

6AM class ( Early morning Tough CHICKS class..and Mike and Rob) :)

Sue-Getting out of Bed early, Max-145
Tracy- Max-135, failed at 145
Paula-aka Paula powerhouse--Max 125, failed at 135
Sheila- Max 160, failed at 165
Karen--Lifting with the boys, Max 225, failed at 235
Rob--The squatting animal, Max 385, made it look too easy
Mike--Max 315, failed at 335

Tough workout, legs and back are aching. Its a good one to start the week off with

Then for Fun we had the BURPEE CHALLENGE
30 burpees for time, and epic battle of endurance and will

1st heat
Sheila-1:30 after an awkward fall..LOL
Karen-1:43 way to go

2nd heat, reining 1st and second place holders Tracy and Mike, and challenger Rob


Great fun, love the competition and energy this morning, it was a very fun class.

Friday, April 16, 2010



Sorry I haven't had a post in a while

GRAB LIFE. Get up off the couch turn off the tv, put down the bag of Doritos, and go out and grab life by the horns. Do something; anything. Do not settle for mundane or ordinary, step out of your comfort zone and do something.
That is why I love crossfit, and why i think it works as well as it does. Whether your a 45 year old mother of two or an 30 year old ex couch potato. Crossfit forces you to go outside your comfort level , forces you to try new things, lift heavy object and run fast. It makes your body pour sweat and your heart pound. Ultimately it makes you feel alive, its the sweat, the pain and the thrill of it all that lets you know your alive.
I have seen so many people transform themselves into confident, and vibrant people. To see a woman get all jacked up over lifting 280 pounds, or watching someone gettheir first pullup or muscleup, is pure awesome. Its that feeling of doing something exceptional, that feeling of getting and gaining strength and endurance is truly remarkable.
Do Not Let Fear keep you back.
Dont worry about what everyone else is doing, dont worry what you look like all sweaty and out of breath, don't worry about people looking at you. Transform yourself into a more confident, more capable and more energetic person. Dont be like everyone else, dont be lazy, and don't be normal. Just go and do. Step out and grab life by the horns and you will never be the same.

Friday, April 9, 2010



30 Burpees for time..yes thats right MORE burpees

TABATA workout
20sec on 10 sec off for 8 rounds
4 exercises, Pushups, Pullups, Squat, Butterfly Situp

Tabata is all about Strategy and timing, you want high, consistent reps without totally trashing every ounce of juice you have on the first round, find a nice consistent pace and try to stick it out for 8 rounds Good Luck.

6AM class, Pullups, Pushups, Squat, Situps
Shiela-2,7,13,19*(Holy Crap..:))*

Great work early birds..we rock

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Burpees and More Burpees


Burpee Demo:

CFCM-( Crossfit Central Maine Daily WOD )

row 500 meter
then 3 rounds of
50 mountain climbers
10 Box jump
10 air squat

Then finish with
TADA----50 burpees

This was a lot tougher than it looked My legs were burning by the end of teh first round and once I hit the burpees forget it I had no gas left in the tank.
Great job sheila..1 second..pure awesomeness

6 AM Times

Paula--500m ( 2:20.8 )....15:29 overall RX
Lori---500m (2:05.2 ).....14:56 overall RX
Sheila-500m (2:04.7 ).....13:54 overall RX
Mike---500m (1:37.0 ).....13:53 overall RX

Remember to post your comments anything really, lets try to get the other classes to view and post here as well so we can keep in touch with one another have a good one guys and gals.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Power To Keep Going


In war, as in love, we must come into contact before we can triumph.

-Napoleon I

Today was a great workout at CFCM, we did Tiger a great lifting workout, my shoulders forearms and wrists are tired, but its a good tired, a feeling of accomplishment and triumph.
I wanted to push my self today and it worked. round 4 I did 135 and struggled hard fought through it. Round 5 I stepped it up to 145, heres the interesting thing, physically, 145 didn't feel any different, mentally though somehow I had already lost. I was "prepared to not finish the set" inside my head I had already quit. Maybe it was exhaustion or maybe it was pain, but either way before I started the first clean it was over.

But its a great lesson, mental focus is such a hugely important matter when it comes to any crossfit program, any power-lifting program, or life in general. You must prepare yourself mentally for the challenge at hand. And never ever think about failure, failure will happen, whether we focus on it or not, so why bother even worrying about it.
Here are some tips
1- Focus on your breathing, and keep calm
2-Focus on your form, don't let it break down as you tire
3- Visualize each portion of your lift before it happens, see each movement before you perform it, the link between visual stimuli and your muscle reaction is well documented
4-Think of the Victory, think of how good it will feel to accomplish this task and focus on that
5-Dont get mad if you fail, like life, you will fail, but it will only make you stronger

And lastly train what u suck at, if a certain lift is keeping you back, train it, start light and work form till you get it down then increase the weight. Next time you will not fail.
Good Luck

Why do we fall, sir? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up.