First off.
Congratz to members of Crossfit central maine for competing and doingan awesome job at teh Maine Fittest Games
Karen W, Sue P, Tracy A, and 1st place Jess T.
I also Came in 3rd place, meeting and exceeding my goal of making the top 5
I am so proud of all of you for how hard you worked.
So Now that its OVER I can reflect upon a few things. How to switch up my training and diet to improve performance and eeek out a few more ounces of sweat and pain
Im going to be a bit stricter on Zone blocks, 16-18 a day. Still shooting for lower carb blocks so I can get my bodyweight down to 205 or 210. Ill stick to my Protein shakes, and fruit, and stay away from pasta.
Supplementation- Im experimenting with Creatine, to see if it A. Improves Performance. and B. Increases recovery time
Other than that ill take my usual MultiVitamin. And 6-8 grams of fishoil a day
Daily WOD routines
M,w,F 6am- Crossfit Central Maine WOD
M- Jareds Class ( A crossfit Type class, more running than normal)
OR row 2k, then crossfit Main site WOD, followed by sprints
T- Stretch 5 minutes, Row 2k ( 8 minutes pace ), Squat Practice Med Weights, Back, Front, Overhead, 3 sets of 5, Then Run 1 mile,
Wed--Stretch--Clean and jerk Practice..Every OTHER WEEK Low Impact Rest
TH--Jareds Class
Friday--Stretch 5 min--dead-lift practice -Run 2 miles..Any way you can
The goal here is to supplement strength with endurance to hopefully increase my work capacity and also my stamina.
Post Game reflection
Workout 1- Felt good, I nailed my form and I was technically sound, could have been better at the box-jumps,a nd faster, Just had no wind in the sails
Workout2- DESTROYED me, I have no idea what happened but I just had nothing, I finished with an OK time but could have been much faster
Workout 3- Went exactly like I hoped it would.
I welcome any Comments Questions Musings..ETC ETC
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