Dont just work on your weaknesses, ATTACK them
Crossfit is a sport that punishes specialization. To be competitive you really need to be well rounded in everything. Now this is easier said than done I know. There are so many different movements and techniques and taking a shotgun approach is not the best way to go about it. Here are my tips to help overcome those weaknesses and tighten up your game.
- Identify them. Yep the first step is to identify which movement you are not proficient at. If you've been crossfitting for any length of time you already have a laundry list of things you hate to see come up in a WOD or just movements you know will kick your ass.
- Pick 1 or 2. This is the hard part picking 1 or 2 movements to train the heck out of. Choosing to many will just make you crazy and you wont really gain that much.
- Develop a strategy to train them. For example I suck at hand stand pushups. So I started either throwing them into a WOD, heavily modified at first. ( Ill go into modification next ), or I would just perform them at the end of my normal workout, or on a rest day. Same thing with my shoulder press.
- Modify modify modify. Suck it up and just modify it until you no longer need to. ex ( for HSPU. I use two abmats under my head, I am currently down to one abmat.) For modification and variation go to the crossfit site, or ask a trainer. Crossfit Brand x Scaled workouts
- Record your progress. keep a log of your attempts and how you are modifying, this will help determine your progress.
- BE PATIENT. Like anything it will take time.
- Attack it. don't just train it, but ATTACK it. Don't be discouraged by failed attempt's or seemingly slow progress. Instead use it as fuel to keep going.