Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life of the Average JOE- MONDAY

4:50am wakey wakey. Breakfast 4 eggs and a Glass of Juice,Drink some cofee, take my vitamins and fish oil so I can be a strong little hulkster
5:30am kiss the wife then head to the gym,
6am Main site WOD 3 dealift 315lbs, and 7 pushpress 115. 5 minute amrap ( 7 rounds ). Rest: Backsquat practice, then Shoulder press practice
7:30am Work, sit in my chair drink coffee, have a banana, fix computers.
11:30am Lunch - 8 oz Trout, an apple and some nuts
12pm WOD #2  Fight gone Bad- 1 round knockouts.( go as hard as you can for 1 round then rest while your partner goes ) do this for 3 rounds
1pm- back to work sit in chair, drink cofee, fix computers, try to stay awake. Eat rest of trout, and an apple
5pm head home, cook up some dinner. steaks red peppers and broccoli. and 1 beer..( Not Paleo but oohh so tasty )
6:30 pm. veg out with the wifey watch a movie
8:00pm get my lunch ready for the next day get cofee pot ready
8:30pm read my bible verse, chat with wifey and then head to bed


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