Today at Crossfit Central Maine it was Front Squat day
3x3x3x3x3,,,, five sets of three
6AM class
Mike-280 PR by 30 pounds, failed on the second of 300
Paula- 95 pr by 20 pounds, failed on 1st of 100
Lori--110 pr by 10 pounds, failed on 3rd of 115
Great Job everyone.
Sue - 135 PR by 25 lbs
Tracy 125# for a new PR! This is by 15#
Karen-185--PR by 35 pounds--Took top spot on the board for women--AWESOME
Brian- 315 PR?---took the top spot on the board and knocked me to #2..Great Job
Jess - 115, 135,145,155,165 PR
Bill - 185, 225, 255 PR, 260 PR 225 for 5
Kendra - 95, 110 Keeping back safe!
Brett 95, 115, 135, 155, 185
Barb - 65, 75, 80, 85 F2, 80
Tracy 85, 100, 115 PR, 125 PM, 135 F1
Sue 85, 100, 115 PR, 125 PR, 135 PR
9am and 5 pm post your times..PS karen if you can remember to write the 5pm class times Ill post it thanks.
To me their is only one lift harder than the front-squat and that is the overhead squat. Its about balance, posture and control. but mastering the frontsquat makes all the other squats that much easier and more efficient.
Watch the Video below
Sue - 135 PR by 25 lbs.
Sue do you know anyone elses times, also let them know if you would how to check the site and comment, thanks, and Awesome Job, thats a good number
Thanks, Mike--the 9am group was me, Tracy, Barb, Dee, and Brett--Dee and Brett are newcomers. I only remember Tracy's number, but I'd rather not post it without her permission...
I will mention this site to the Crossfit people I see--I also gave Bill a hard time today about not keeping his site updated:)
Mine was 125# for a new PR! This is by 15#!
Hey Mike,
Home with Pink Eye - finally getting the chance to give you these
Karen 115, 135, 155 PR, 165 PR, 175 PR 185 PR
Jess - 115, 135,145,155,165 PR
Brian 185,245,275,295 PR, 315 PR
Bill - 185, 225, 255 PR, 260 PR 225 for 5
Kendra - 95, 110 Keeping back safe!
Brett 95, 115, 135, 155, 185
Barb - 65, 75, 80, 85 F2, 80
Tracy 85, 100, 115 PR, 125 PM, 135 F1
Sue 85, 100, 115 PR, 125 PR, 135 PR
Great job everyone! Look at all those PR's. Wish I could have made it.
Chris Poirier
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