Special shout out today to Tyler Q, He has made the brave decision to compete this weekend in the new England sectionals. For those of you who dont know him. Tyler is a high school senior, a devoted athlete and a freak of nature..LOL. This Kid can move some serious weight and move it fast. He was Maines fittest athlete at the 2009 Maine Fitness games, he crushed the 2009 Fight Gone Bad competition in Topsham and took first place with a score of like 1 billion or something, he also rowed a 6:27 2k meter at the 2009 World indoor rowing competition.
This kid LOVES to compete. I made all kinds of excuses as to why i wasn't going to the sectionals this year, and trust me next year unless my leg is broken and my arm is missing I will go.
For those of you who regularly workout, I don't just mean diehard crossfitters. but those of you who make exercising a regular thing. I urge you to compete, find any competition running lifting, pie eating, whatever, at first you will be scared or hesitant, but fight through that, competition can be a rewarding experience and also it helps to build the mind not just the body.
Anyway. If you see Tyler at little-fields Gym, wish him luck.
Here are the WOD's for The Weekend
Tyler Should Crush Wod 1 and 2 :)
Workout 1 (Saturday) "Pullin"
For time:
800 meter run
30 Snatches, 115/75
800 meter run
Workout 2 (Saturday) "Fast and Furious"
3 rounds for time of:
20 Box Jumps (24/20 inches)
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs, w/10 foot target)
Workout 3 (Sunday) "Serious 7"
Each athlete has 7 minutes to get their 7 rep max squat clean. When the athlete says "go" the judge will start the clock, each athlete has 40 seconds to complete their 7 rep max. They can do as many attempts as they want within the 7 minutes, however you only get 40 seconds for the 7 reps from the first pull. Rest and number of attempts is dependent on the athlete.
Mike you are awesome!! :-)
Great post for Tyler Mike. He will, once again, make us all proud!
If you are reading this Tyler, Kick Ass!
Mike that is definitely a great post. Good luck Tyler! Go kick some butt!
Yahoo Tyler, make your mom and all of Littlefield's proud!!
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