Crossfit Central Maine WOD- hard Core Indy 500
50 of Each
Stair Climb
Squat Jump 45lb(Men) 35lb(Wom)
Super Crunch
One Arm DB snatch- 40lb(Men) 25 LB(Wom)
Double Unders
Sledgehammer Tire Slam
Bench Press 95lb (Men) 65lb(Wom)
Box Jump
This workout is all about Endurance and stamina. Half way through your body is starving for oxygen, your legs are shot and you want to quit, but you keep moving. Its as much a mental game as it is a physical game. Its also about strategy and how you approach each station, me personally i try to do all 50 at each station before moving on.
Post your times as I do not remember them. I will try to make it a habit to collect times before I post. Also I do not have the 9 oclock class or the night class emails to let them know about the site so if you guys can let people know that would be great.
Mike M- 38:47 Rx beat my time from February by 1 minute
Sheila = 39:57 RX
Paula = 38:24 MD
Sheila = 39:57
Paula = 38:24 MD
You all did awesome this morning, it was a tough workout
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