Bills Circus
AMRAP ( as many rounds as possible ) in 32 minutes of
2- Hand stand Push ups or holds
4- " Evil" turkish gettups
6- Kettle Bell Squat
8- Kettle Bell swing
10- Box Jump or step ups
6am class was in full swing with lots of people in attendance
Jeff- ( Joining us early good to see you )- 5.1 rounds with 20#kb
Martha- 8.1 rounds with 15#kb
Sue- 9.2 rounds with 15#kb
Paula- 9 rounds 15#kb
Lynn- 5.2 rounds
Mike- 9.1 rounds 53#kb
Lori- 11.1 25#kb
Tough tough tough workout Turkish gettups slow you down and kick your ass, a sweat drenching pain inducing circus of fun..
The Crossfit class is hard but so inspiring. No matter what level of fitness you may enter the class, all encourage each other. All are encouraged to challenge themselves. There are no individuals. They are a team. Thank you to everyone, including our trainer, Bill.
Well said!
Mike, I got 7.4 with handstand holds and 35# Turkish Getups and 35# for the rest of the fun too. No cotton candy at this circus!
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