I WANT YOU ALL TO FIRST WATCH THIS VIDEO.. Then Read the rest of this post
Why do you need to compete?
If any of you even have a shadow of doubt as to why, let me expand.
You work out hard every morning, you get stronger you get faster, you improve your technique, you learn new lifts, run faster, jump higher, loose some pounds..And for what? Just so you can go home sit on the couch and watch the biggest loser, or American Idol.
We should all take a sobering lesson from Kyle Maynard, here is a man whom for all reasons, would have plenty of excuses not to want to compete, but he does it anyway. Now we all have those nagging reasons that I hear over and over
- Im really not competitive
- Im not good enough
- I cant do all the exercises
- I don't think Im ready ( This one Ive used myself---This years sectionals Just so you all know Im not exempt from this post)
- Im afraid Ill get hurt
- Im too busy
And many many many more. The point Im attempting to make is this. Challenge yourself, challenge your whole way of life, challenge your soul, challenge your comfortable life. test yourself. Its not about winning,---- again say it with me, ITS NOT ABOUT WINNING. Its about how far can you go, how much can you push yourself, what are you capable of, can I do it. Its about stepping out of our comfortable 9-5 worlds, getting off the couch and expanding our horizons. Test yourself to become someone who doesn't fear challenges, but instead embraces them. Trust me once you do this your life will never be the same, you will have more confidence, and a greater satisfaction in life.
Crossfit is unique in its practice, in that their are no real specialists, there are so many different movements, and exercises one cannot master them all. Also the Crossfit community as a whole treats competition much differently than many other sports, you will often find competitors cheering each other on, so don't be afraid of not being able to do some of the exercises, instead embrace it, go with it, most of all have fun, say it with me FUN. Life is meant to be lived, so go out and live it. If you live your life making excuse after excuse then you will never ever truly be able to live.
Have I convinced you yet? If not search inside and find that small voice of doubt, that little voice that tells you you cant or shouldn't do it, that little voice that tells you you aren't good enough, and take him out back and shoot him. You've put in the time, you've put in the work now go out and do something wonderful.
So whether its the Maine Fittest Games, or the Fight gone Bad competition or the sectionals, or hiking Mt Katahdin, or running a 5k, do it, get off that couch, smash the remote and challenge yourself...
Dont make me sic Chuck Norris on you
...... Nuff Said...
I was thinking I was only going to do one event, but now I'll try them all again like last year and hope for the best! Thanks Mike for motivating us all.
Wow--what an inspirational video! Makes one feel very small for complaining about anything...I will try to remember Kyle when I am doing my next workout. Great motivational words, too, Mike!
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