Today everyone's favorite ..Deck of Cards chipper workout
First off Welcome to the newcomer Vicki
hearts- Push-ups, then switch to Squats after 10 minutes
diamonds- Box-jumps
clubs- Kettle-bell or dumbbell crushers 25/15 lb ( Go to a push-up position on the dumbbell or kettle-bell then stand and do a push-press )
spades- up downs
Joker- 1st- 1 driveway run.....2nd- two driveway runs
sue-rx-45:28 ( Way to tough it out and stick to solid form on the pushups and crushers)
tracy- rx- 32:17 so close tracy sooo close..LOL
Martha- 8lb-41:39 ( Way to keep moving )
mike- rx- 32:09
Jess-rx- 31:19 ( Way to go Triple Flipper :))
Vickie- MD-8lb- 34:40( Way to stick it out for this very tough first crossfit workout)
lynn- MD-8lb- 30:43 ( Great job )
Sarah-rx- 32:50 ( Welcome Back )
Paula- 12lb- 35:30 ( Way to kick its butt paula )
great job everyone
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