CFCM wednesday WOD
4 x 1/2 miles runs rest as needed between each run
6am group
Paula- 5:05/ 5:08/ 5:06/ 4:59 way to pick it up at the end
Karen- 5:47/ 6:02/ 6:03/ 5:47 AWESOME job karen
Martha- 4:30/ 4:31/ 4:33/ 4:30 Great Consistency
Lori- 5:05/ 5:14/ 5:10/ 5:07 Way to go
Mike- 3:44/ 3:37/ 3:59/ 3:51
Sue- 4:03/ 4:19/ 4:18/ 4:10 nice steady pace
Great work by everyone It was an extremely tough workout
Jess reporting here.... I don't remember the exact times, but Tracy and I did this at 9, and were neck and neck the entire time... times were something like 3:26, 3:42, 3:45, 3:45 ....something sorta like that
Nikki also did it at 9 and she rocked!! Her times were something like: 3:30, 3:30, 3:36, 3:30 (something like that)
and Bill did it at 5:30 - along with Lynn and Harry
Bills times were also very impressive - something like 3:21, 3:14, 3:17, 3:15 ... run Bill run!!
Quite honestly the hardest workout I have done in a long time - I wanted so badly to quit!!!
I agree, Jess--running is one of the hardest things to stay motivated for. I have a conversation with myself almost the entire time I run...most of it just trying to keep myself moving. I like to think of Dory from 'Finding Nemo'--"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"
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